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来源:https://www.xinnuoshang.cn   发布时间:2024-07-05      


1. Industry background


To attract customers from front-line search companies, they mainly rely on traditional search engine graphics and text gameplay. The current popularity of short videos has had a significant impact on traditional search media such as Baidu. Traditional advertising is becoming increasingly ineffective, and lead based companies need some disruptive marketing techniques to generate business opportunities through the operation of short videos.


2. The traffic logic of lead management


The core of clue management lies in the acquisition of "clues". The primary issue that business owners need to consider is how to obtain effective leads, because only with leads can subsequent conversions be possible. Crawler editor suggests that everyone focus on two ways of obtaining leads: short video advertising traffic and organic traffic, which include two mainstream traffic models: recommendation flow and search flow. Lead management covers the entire process from obtaining leads to subsequent conversion.



3. Industry characteristics determine the search traffic suitable for short video operations

涉及到线索经营的行业包括房产、汽车、机械设备、金融、商务服务、法律服务、教育培训、装修建材、同城服务等To B和大TO C类行业。这些行业的共同特点是产品或服务较为复杂,决策周期长,需要通过收集潜在客户的兴趣信息,进行深度影响,最终实现转化。

Industries involving clue management include To B and large To C industries such as real estate, automobiles, machinery and equipment, finance, business services, legal services, education and training, decoration and building materials, and local services. The common characteristics of these industries are that the products or services are relatively complex, the decision-making cycle is long, and it is necessary to collect potential customers' interest information, conduct deep influence, and ultimately achieve conversion.


Four dimensions that clue based enterprises follow when operating short videos


1. Innovative content and skillful integration of scenarios

对于传统大型B2B企业来说,短视频运营内容创新是关键。在短视频运营过程中,要善于将产品或服务与各种场景融合,以生动、有趣,说重点的方式呈现,不要说枯燥无味的专业知识,提高用户的观看兴趣。例如,汽车企业可以通过黄金3秒(eg:美女人物 + 香车)的方式开场。人的天性就是喜欢追求美好的事物,拍摄出轻奢氛围感,让用户感受到汽车品牌的调性。

For traditional large B2B enterprises, innovation in short video operation content is key. In the process of short video operation, it is important to be good at integrating products or services with various scenarios, presenting them in a vivid, interesting, and focused manner, rather than using dry and boring professional knowledge, to enhance users' interest in watching. For example, automobile companies can start with a golden 3-second (eg: beautiful character+fragrant car) approach. Human nature is to pursue beautiful things and create a luxurious atmosphere through photography, allowing users to feel the tone of the car brand.


How can we reduce the retention of customer capital and infrastructure?


The account infrastructure for short video operation is the foundation for undertaking lead management, from the enterprise blue V certification of the account to the nickname+introduction+background image+avatar+official website+address+phone number+online appointment+advanced appointment component+intelligent customer service reception+QA settings. These are all necessary configurations that must be fully configured before obtaining leads. The automatic reply of Tiktok, manual customer service and enterprise number background clue management system are used to realize the whole link clue management of short video operation. From online collection to offline transactions, every step requires careful planning and operation. In addition, short video operations must conduct monthly data reviews to optimize video and live content, which can help improve the quality of leads.


3. Short Video Operations Society builds a private domain traffic pool


In the process of short video operation, enterprises can build private domain traffic pools through various methods, such as enterprise homepage, fan groups, etc. After doing a good job in content accumulation, for high-quality short video content that runs smoothly, we need to provide public domain paid streaming, leverage more platform natural streaming, and achieve a combination of natural traffic and paid traffic. By following up on private domain temperature, we aim to enhance user trust and increase conversion rates.


4. Cross border brand cooperation and IP development


Clue enterprises can try cross-border cooperation, cooperate with Tiktok celebrities or KOL in other industries, and use their fan effect to expand brand influence. Creating a company's own IP image is more suitable for well-known chain brands such as automobiles and furniture, enhancing brand image and solidifying brand positioning value through content seeding.

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