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来源:https://www.xinnuoshang.cn   发布时间:2024-08-15      

1. 网络营销推广的互动性更强。我们可以随时与用户保持联系。如果用户有任何问题,可以与我们沟通。我们的客户也可以在使用我们的产品后尽快给予反馈,我们可以根据反馈进行进一步的改进。

1. The interactivity of online marketing promotion is stronger. We can stay in touch with users at any time. If users have any questions, they can communicate with us. Our customers can also provide feedback as soon as possible after using our product, and we can make further improvements based on the feedback.

2. 通过互联网的广告推广、企业可以快速向用户展示信息、与传统的营销方式相比,网络营销具有时间更短、成本更低、灵活性更强、更人性化等特点,非常适合一些中小企业进行推广。


2. Through advertising promotion on the Internet, enterprises can quickly show information to users. Compared with traditional marketing methods, online marketing has the characteristics of shorter time, lower cost, greater flexibility, and more humanization, which is very suitable for some small and medium-sized enterprises to promote.


3. Online marketing can help companies expand their market. Traditional marketing models allow competitors to occupy a huge market space, causing a squeeze on the company's product market. However, online marketing can open up the market in a very powerful way, pushing competitors to one side and seizing their market.

4. 互联网的用户群非常大,通过互联网消费的用户越来越多。和淘宝一样,很多用户已经习惯了足不出户就能买到自己想要的东西,所以互联网上的流量是不可估量的企业完全可以利用起来。

4. The user base of the Internet is very large, and more and more users consume through the Internet. Like Taobao, many users have become accustomed to buying what they want at home, so the traffic on the Internet is immeasurable for enterprises to take advantage of.

5. 比传统营销,网络营销具有较强的针对性,因为企业现在做互联网营销推广基本上都会有一个自己的营销型网站,在网站上面能够统计出我们企业大致的人群画像,然后进一步分析做出一些针对性计划,这样做有更好的效果,可以带来了大量的潜在用户。

5. Compared with traditional marketing, online marketing is more targeted, because enterprises now do Internet marketing and promotion basically have their own marketing website, on which we can make statistics of the general crowd portrait of our enterprise, and then further analyze and make some targeted plans, which has better effect and can bring a large number of potential users.
