来源:https://www.xinnuoshang.cn 发布时间:2025-01-25
Nowadays, whether it is individuals or enterprises, new media plays a crucial role in IP, brand building, and customer acquisition. New media is a way to spread information by using digital technology and the Internet. It emphasizes interaction and timeliness, breaks through geographical restrictions, and enables users to create, share and realize freely. However, the diversity of new media platforms often leads people to confusion and detours when choosing How to take the advanced path of new media well?
Choosing the appropriate platform and track is the top priority, followed by specific operational skills. At present, the eight popular Internet new media platforms (see below) in China have their own characteristics and similarities. To develop more precise operational strategies, it is necessary to first fully understand the characteristics and attributes of each platform, and then consider factors such as product features and target audience, without blindly following the trend. This article will analyze these 8 platforms from multiple dimensions in depth, aiming to provide reference for everyone to choose a suitable new media platform for themselves.
1抖音平台特点分析DOU YIN平台特性:3千亿/月流水众所周知的短视频平台,泛娱乐(演绎/搞笑/美食/颜值/舞蹈/美妆)、泛生活(日常/情感/旅行/家庭)内容属性强,信息表达层次丰富,传播力度强,用户以日常休闲为主要需求。用户画像:用户基数大、黏性强;全年龄段,全地域分布。
1 Analysis of the characteristics of the Tiktok platform Features of the DOU YIN platform: 300 billion yuan/month running water well-known short video platform, pan entertainment (interpretation/funny/food/beauty/dance/beauty), pan life (daily/emotional/travel/family), strong content attributes, rich information expression levels, strong communication, and users' main needs are daily leisure. User Profile: Large user base and strong stickiness; Distributed across all age groups and regions.
However, the user base still tends to be younger, with 80% under the age of 35 and a relatively balanced gender ratio; Tiktok users are more distributed in coastal areas such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Information presentation: Single column information flow (full screen flow/immersive flow): Display individual information details directly in the form of graphics, text or video in the information flow, providing users with an immersive browsing experience, but it is easy to form an information cocoon. Traffic mechanism:
优先机器审核再人工审核 ,重复度过高的视频低流推荐,未重复视频标签算法+个性化推荐算法标签:平台会给用户和创作者打上各种标签,保证用户更好匹配度。推荐:将视频推送给200~300个可能会喜欢的人,平台通过分析相关数据判断内容是否被用户喜欢,然后进行第2轮的推荐,初始流量很重要变现思路:
Priority machine review followed by manual review, low stream recommendation for videos with high repetition rate, non repeated video tagging algorithm+personalized recommendation algorithm tagging: The platform will assign various tags to users and creators to ensure better user matching. Recommendation: Push the video to 200-300 people who may like it. The platform analyzes relevant data to determine whether the content is liked by users, and then conducts a second round of recommendations. The initial traffic is important, and the monetization strategy is:
Tiktok has a very high commercialization density and a very short transformation path, which can realize rapid transformation of users and diversification of realization modes. Tiktok popular track: food/healthy life, beauty/fashion, entertainment/stars, knowledge education, fun/life.
2小红书平台分析XIAO HONG SHU平台特性:颗粒度细,种草高质量的女性社区。一个以生活方式分享为主的“社区+电商型”平台,整体氛围也是精致、丰富。平台用户更关注结果,如搜索特定内容或解决方案,注重情绪价值与深度共鸣。用户画像:主要以90后和00后为主,大量集中在主线城市,80%都是女性用户。信息呈现:双列瀑布流:用户有更多的选择和探索空间。以图片信息为主导(多数情况下图片就能传达出完整的内容),采用两列布局。流量机制:
Analysis of XIAO HONG SHU platform features on Xiaohongshu platform: fine-grained, high-quality female community for grass planting. A community+e-commerce platform that focuses on lifestyle sharing, with a refined and rich overall atmosphere. Platform users are more focused on results, such as searching for specific content or solutions, emphasizing emotional value and deep resonance. User Profile: Mainly targeting the post-90s and post-00s generations, with a large concentration in major cities, 80% of whom are female users. Information presentation: Double row waterfall: Users have more choices and exploration space. Led by image information (in most cases, images can convey complete content), using a two column layout. Traffic mechanism:
平台推荐量 + 已关注流量 + 同城流量 + 搜索流量,CES评分。标签匹配→内容发布→平台分析内→给内容打标签;内容推荐给部分用户后,平台根据点击、点赞、收藏等数据给内容打分,再决定是否推荐给其他匹配用户。CES机制 :点赞+1分、收藏+1分、评论+4分、关注+8分变现思路:
Platform recommendation volume+followed traffic+local traffic+search traffic, CES rating. Tag matching → Content publishing → Platform analysis → Tagging content; After recommending content to some users, the platform scores the content based on data such as clicks, likes, and favorites, and then decides whether to recommend it to other matching users. CES mechanism: Like+1 point, Favorite+1 point, Comment+4 point, Follow+8 point monetization strategy:
Popular tracks on Xiaohongshu: knowledge payment, maternal and child care, fashion, beauty, food, reviews, pets. Common monetization modes: advertising monetization, small store monetization, private domain monetization, live streaming monetization.
3快手平台特点分析KUAI SHOU平台特性:整体视频风格偏真实、有趣、接地气,以非集中化的方式向用户分发短视频内容,让每个创作者得到相同的关注,通过内容建立紧密的关系,以老铁经济和信任关系为核心,私域氛围浓厚,变现能力高。用户画像:快手发源于下沉市场,以小镇青年为主,男性用户占比55.8%,女性用户占比44.2%;31岁以上人群为主;三线城市用户占比较多。
3 Analysis of the characteristics of the Kwai platform KUAI SHOU platform: the overall video style is realistic, interesting and grounded, and short video content is distributed to users in a decentralized way, so that each creator gets the same attention. Through the content, a close relationship is established, with the old railway economy and trust relationship as the core. The private domain atmosphere is strong, and the liquidity is high. User portraits: Kwai originated from the sinking market and is dominated by young people in small towns, with 55.8% male users and 44.2% female users; The majority of people are over 31 years old; The proportion of users in third tier cities is relatively high.
Information presentation: Single column information flow (full screen flow/immersive flow) Traffic mechanism:
流量池分配 + 叠加推荐 +热度加权流量池分配:作品因获得不同曝光率而得到的不同流量位置。分配基础的播放(0-200),平台会根据作品的点赞率、评论率、转发率来判定是否要推送到下一个流量池。叠加推荐:当视频热度不断上升,系统会通过加权的方式给予短视频更多推荐,除此之外,系统还会根据短视频的完播率、点赞数、评论率和转发率得出推荐数。热度加权:快手热门短视频一般都是在播放百万次级别的,这些短视频是经过一层层热度所带来的,快手各项数据对热度加权影响的重要程度通常为:转发率>评论率>点赞率。变现思路:
Traffic pool allocation+stacked recommendation+heat weighted traffic pool allocation: Different traffic positions obtained by works due to different exposure rates. Allocate basic playback (0-200), and the platform will determine whether to push the work to the next traffic pool based on its like rate, comment rate, and forwarding rate. Overlay recommendation: As the popularity of a video continues to rise, the system will give more recommendations to short videos through weighted methods. In addition, the system will also calculate the number of recommendations based on the completion rate, likes, comments, and shares of the short video. Heat weighting: Kwai popular short videos are usually played millions of times. These short videos are brought about by layers of heat. The importance of Kwai data on heat weighting is generally: forwarding rate>comment rate>approval rate. Monetization strategy:
Platform draws high, self-reliance. Low profit, high-volume sales, low-priced channels. It is on a par with Tiktok traffic, and the industry is not limited. For example, agriculture, rural areas, healthcare, jewelry, jade, antiques, etc.
4微博平台特点分析WEI BO平台特性:微博是一个主打名人社交+资讯的娱乐社区的信息流社交媒体平台,其公共属性、舆论属性极强、互动性更强,信息传递更快,每天都会产生大量流行话题,但往往速生速朽,难以持久。用户画像:用户基数大,人均使用时长相对较短。男性用户大概45%,女性用户大概55%,18-35岁。信息呈现:列表流:信息量大,用户自主选择性强。兼具交互引导的设计。由于一屏能展现的信息较多,对于单条信息的呈现可能会稍显弱化。流量机制:
4. Analysis of Weibo Platform Characteristics WEI BO Platform Characteristics: Weibo is an information flow social media platform that focuses on celebrity socialization and information entertainment communities. It has strong public and public opinion attributes, stronger interactivity, faster information transmission, and generates a large number of popular topics every day. However, it often grows rapidly and is difficult to sustain. User Profile: With a large user base, the average usage time per person is relatively short. Approximately 45% of male users and 55% of female users are aged 18-35. Information presentation: List flow: Large amount of information, strong user autonomy and selectivity. A design that combines interactive guidance. Due to the large amount of information that can be displayed on one screen, the presentation of a single message may be slightly weakened. Traffic mechanism:
账号权重 + 实时号 + 点赞/评论/转发 + 好质量 + 阅读量 + 内容热度。变现思路:
Account weight+real-time account+likes/comments/shares+good quality+reading volume+content popularity. Monetization strategy:
More importantly, there are official promotion channels for some brands, and popular monetization tracks on Weibo include postgraduate/public examinations, weight loss, beauty, tourism, food, etc.
5哔哩哔哩特点分析BILI BILI平台特性:年轻化高质量,创新文化输出。做二次元起家的视频网站,如今内容逐渐扩展到各个兴趣圈层,包括美食、生活、游戏、舞蹈、影视等,社区氛围更开放、包容,情感归属感比较强烈。用户画像:主要集中在一二线城市;29岁以下的居多,以学生和职场新人为主,用户更加年轻化;男性61%,女性39%。用户日活和人均使用时长都较高。
Analysis of Bilibili's Characteristics: Bilibili platform features: youthful and high-quality, innovative cultural output. As a video website starting from the anime, its content has gradually expanded to all levels of interest, including food, life, games, dance, film and television. The community atmosphere is more open and inclusive, with a strong sense of emotional belonging. User profile: mainly concentrated in first and second tier cities; The majority of users are under 29 years old, mainly students and newcomers in the workplace, with a younger user base; 61% male and 39% female. The daily user activity and average usage time are both relatively high.
Information presentation: Double row waterfall flow: dominated by image information, adopting a two column layout. Traffic mechanism:
视频质量 + 视频热度随机推送符合标签的用户(50)→统计点开人数以及完播率,统计视频热度数据,大约是(分享数+0.6>硬币、弹幕、评论、点赞+0.4>收藏+0.3>播放+0.25 )变现思路:B站热门赛道:学习教程、搞笑、游戏推广、汽车科技、视频电器、基于百度搜索SEO项目。
Randomly push users who meet the tags based on video quality and popularity (50) → Count the number of clicks and completion rates, and calculate the video popularity data, which is approximately (shares+0.6>coins, bullet comments, comments, likes+0.4>favorites+0.3>plays+0.25) monetization strategy: Bilibili popular tracks: learning tutorials, humor, game promotion, automotive technology, video appliances, and SEO projects based on Baidu search.
6公众号特点分析GONG ZHONG HAO平台特性:主要服务现有用户,通过文章、长图的形式传递信息,提供服务为主。小众传播、熟人关系链强,有效性高。便利的互动性,信息推送实时更新,精准触达和营销。更多地承担了公关和私域流量的功能,私域属性变现能力高但蓄水难。主要是面向企业、机构、媒体和自媒体的订阅型平台。用户画像:总体来说,公众号平台的目标用户是关注企业品牌或对特定类目感兴趣的读者,根据赛道和内容有所不同,一般情况下比较偏向于20-45岁的人群。粉丝粘性高、忠诚度相对较高。PS:每个账号都有自己用户画像,具体可以通过公众号后台进行用户分析,根据历史数据和趋势进行估算。信息呈现:列表流,公众号的列表流首先展示用户自主订阅的内容,再呈现 “看一看” 模块,这一模块主要是基于推荐算法的内容,两者界限分明。流量机制:
6 Analysis of the characteristics of the official account GONG ZHONG HAO platform: it mainly serves existing users, transmits information in the form of articles and long pictures, and provides services. Small niche dissemination, strong acquaintance relationships, and high effectiveness. Convenient interactivity, real-time information push updates, precise outreach and marketing. It undertakes more functions of public relations and private domain traffic, with high monetization ability of private domain attributes but difficult to store. Mainly a subscription based platform for enterprises, institutions, media, and self media. User profile: Generally speaking, the target users of the official account platform are readers who pay attention to the corporate brand or are interested in specific categories. According to the race track and content, they tend to be 20-45 year old people. Fans have high stickiness and relatively high loyalty. PS: Each account has its own user profile, which can be analyzed through the background of the official account and estimated according to historical data and trends. Information presentation: list stream, the list stream of the official account first displays the content that users subscribe to independently, and then presents the "look" module, which is mainly based on the content of the recommendation algorithm, with clear boundaries between the two. Traffic mechanism:
订阅量 + 转发量 + 推荐量关注的粉丝越多,打开率/阅读量就越高;越多的人转发,阅读量越高;点击文章底部“在看”,会有更多推送。变现思路:
The more followers there are in terms of subscription volume, forwarding volume, and recommendation volume, the higher the opening rate/reading volume; The more people repost, the higher the reading volume; Click on 'Watching' at the bottom of the article to receive more notifications. Monetization strategy:
The official account relies on WeChat ecology, has strong ability to transform private domains, and has convenient payment and transaction functions. Recommended tracks: Elderly care, entertainment, fashion, emotions, news
7视频号特点分析SHI PIN HAO平台特性:一个可以记录和创作的微信短视频平台,所以从性质上来讲和快手的、抖音一样,同样注重完播放率、互动数据。与公众号关联密切,视频号可以附带文章链接,公众号也可以展示视频号。用户画像:视频号,面向所有微信用户,整体是35-65岁,女性占比较大,三四线城市是大用户群体。信息呈现:单列信息流,如抖音,也是容易形成信息茧房。流量机制:
7. Analysis of the characteristics of the video number Features of the SHI PIN HAO platform: a WeChat short video platform that can be recorded and created, so in nature, like Kwai and Tiktok, it also pays attention to the completion rate and interactive data. It is closely related to the official account. The video account can be attached with an article link, and the official account can also display the video account. User Profile: Video Account, targeting all WeChat users, overall aged 35-65, with a higher proportion of women, and a large user group in third - and fourth tier cities. Information presentation: single column information flow, such as Tiktok, is also easy to form information cocoon room. Traffic mechanism:
User collaboration algorithm: When friends see, follow, or recommend a video, you will see it and continue to loop through it.
Based on tag algorithm: tag users and video content, and then recommend content that the platform may like based on tag attributes. Based on fan algorithm: recommend other videos under the user's already followed video account to the user. Based on the popularity algorithm: By using metrics such as video playback, likes, comments, shares, and recommendations, we can provide you with popular videos. Based on LBS (Location Based Services) algorithm: recommend videos to nearby online users by tagging their location. Monetization strategy:
Video accounts are more suitable for personal, social, and viral purposes; Little Green Book; Silver economy;
推荐方式:视频号直播、视频号带货、视频号培训 、视频号创作者分成计划。
Recommended methods: Video account live streaming, video account sales, video account training, video account creator sharing plan.
8知乎特点分析ZHI HU平台特性:专业垂直,内容分享知乎是一个高质量问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,关于它的定位是专业讨论、知识分享,知乎用户也是更倾向于深入探讨内容背后的原理和论证过程,所以知乎一般难以维持流行话题热度。用户画像:知乎用户男女比例几乎均衡,53:47;一线、二三线城市用户占比较广。用户日活和人均使用时长相对较低,但有一定的用户基础。信息呈现:列表形式排列,会优先推荐你关注的人的回答或赞同,但推荐模块的界限就没有那么明显。流量机制:
Analysis of ZHI HU platform characteristics: Professional vertical, content sharing. ZHI HU is an original content platform that gathers high-quality Q&A communities and creators. Its positioning is professional discussion and knowledge sharing. ZHI HU users are also more inclined to explore the principles and argumentation process behind the content in depth, so ZHI HU generally finds it difficult to maintain popular topic popularity. User Profile: The male to female ratio of Zhihu users is almost balanced at 53:47; The proportion of users in first tier, second tier and third tier cities is relatively wide. The daily user activity and average usage time are relatively low, but there is a certain user base. Information presentation: arranged in a list format, it will prioritize recommending answers or agreement from the people you follow, but the boundaries of the recommendation module are not so clear. Traffic mechanism:
User search/recommendation page: Based on user search, browsing behavior, and interaction data, recommend content of interest to users. User preferences/follow pages: This part of the traffic is relatively private, and the key is that creators continue to output high-quality and in-depth content to increase user stickiness. Hot list recommendation: Display current hot events with 24-hour timeliness. By making good use of the hot list, you can quickly obtain a large amount of traffic for related topics. Wilson algorithm: Determine the popularity of new content based on its likes, comments, and favorites, and provide corresponding recommendations. Browse duration>Like>Share>Favorite>Comment>Like
Monetization strategy: Zhihu focuses more on knowledge sharing and public opinion discussions, with limited private domain capabilities. Popular tracks: Home appliances, digital, maternal and child care, automobiles.
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